People in Winnipeg breathe a collective sigh of relief when springtime arrives. Finally, we don’t have to pay high heating bills or wear huge jackets when we go outside!
But spring comes with problems of its own; for example, pests like mice and voles. These rodents can wreak havoc in your home or garden. How do you keep them under control?
Mice and voles look almost identical. The most obvious difference between them is the length of their tails—mice have tails as long as their body, while voles have shorter ones.
Voles are vegetarians; they’ll feast on your garden, but they won’t find much to eat inside your home. Mice are omnivores, so they tend to sneak inside homes for any crumbs they can find.
But mice and voles have a couple of main dangers in common: their waste can spread diseases, and they can seriously damage your property.
If you spot a rodent darting around your home, you need to get rid of it, fast! Without intervention, that mouse will find a mate and start a family. Those tiny rodents will chew holes in your belongings, leave behind smelly droppings, and could even spread diseases.
Voles, also known as meadow or field mice, cause problems for gardeners. They dig tunnels, feast on plants, and build nests. Many gardens have suffered at the hands of vole infestations. These plant-lovers will feast on any greens in your yard, from carrots to tree bark.
Suspicious that voles are causing problems in your home? Keep an eye out for the following:
It can be difficult to manage a mice or vole issue before it gets out of control. Given how quickly these pests reproduce, it’s important to take action as soon as you spot one.
Spring should be a time for enjoying the weather, not fending off pests! If you need a mouse exterminator in Winnipeg, call Gilles Lambert Pest Control. We’ll restore peace and harmony to your home or garden!